Udløbet Omvisning

Onsdag 25. mar. 2020 - 17:00-18:00

Cancelled: Guided tour: Introduction to the Danish labor Market

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Arrangementet er aflyst!

OBS: Omvisningen foregår på engelsk! English desciption below ↓

Er du ny i Danmark? Og har du lyst til at blive klogere på det danske arbejdsmarked?

På Arbejdermuseets nye engelske omvisning kommer du på en tour de force gennem de vigtigste ting, der er at vide om det danske arbejdsmarked. Hør historier om strejker, kampe og kompromiser, mød en af museets kronjuveler og prøv kræfter med rollerne på arbejdsmarkedet. Det hele foregår på engelsk og er specielt tilrettelagt for nye borgere i Danmark.

Omvisningen er gratis, når entreen til museet er betalt. Der er 20 pladser.

Tilmeld dig til gpe@arbejdermuseet.dk. Så ved vi, hvornår de 20 pladser er taget.

Onsdag d. 26/2 kl. 17 – 18

Onsdag d. 25/3 kl. 17 – 18

Onsdag d. 29/4 kl. 17 – 18

Onsdag d. 27/5 kl. 17 – 18

This event is cancelled

Free guided tour at the Workers Museum

Are you a newcomer in Denmark? And are you interested in the story of the Danish labor market?

The Workers Museum presents a new guided tour in English that will take you through the most important things you need to know about the Danish labor market. You will hear stories on strikes, fights and compromises and hear the special story of one of the museum’s crown jewels. The guided tour is in English and is designed especially for new citizens of Denmark.

The guided tour is free, you only have to pay for the regular museum admission.

There’s room for 20 participants – sign up by email to gpe@arbejdermuseet.dk and be sure to get a spot.

The Workers Museum is located in unique surroundings in the one of the worlds’ oldest existing workers assembly buildings – raised in 1879 by the labor movement.

Guided tours are also available on:

Wednesday 26th of February from 17 – 18

Wednesday 25th of March from 17 – 18

Wednesday 29th of April from 17 – 18

Wednesday 27th of May from 17 – 18

We hope to see you!