Udløbet Omvisning Monday 23. Jul. 2018 - 14:00-14:45 The highpoints of Danish workers history Hjem // Arrangementer // The highpoints of Danish workers history Free guided tour of The Workers Museum in Copenhagen The highpoints of the Danish workers history Come along for a guided tour of the highpoints of the Danish workers history! This brand new guided tour is created in order to give you a glimpse “behind the scenes” of some of the Workers Museum’s and the Danish Labour Movement’s most important, historical “crown jewels”. The tour will take you through the Workers Museum’s building, which is the world’s second oldest Meeting House built by and for workers. Amongst other things, you will experience the iconic Ceremonial Hall, which has housed everything from political gatherings to Christmas parties for the working-class children of Copenhagen. You will also be guided through the history of the Danish Model, which since 1899 has dictated the rules of the game for the Danish Labour Market, and you will get a peek into the private sphere of everyday life with the Sørensen family’s original flat from 1915. The guided tour is free when you have paid entrance to the museum. When the guided tour is over, you are very welcome to experience the Workers Museum on your own. Visit the Kids’ Museum and learn more about childhood, games and everyday life for children in the 1930’s or visit one of our special exhibitions. The tour starts Mondays at 14:00 and goes on for 45 minutes. Read more about the Kids’ Museum and our curent special exhibitions.