Udløbet Familie

01. Jul. 2019 - 11. Aug. 2019

Summer fun at The Workers Museum


Join us for lots of summer-fun at The Workers Museum. Visit us from the 1st of July- the 11th of August!

Experience the historical setting of the Workers Museum in the heart of Copenhagen with your kids – Free admissions for children below the age of 18. Scenes from the everyday life of Danish workers as well as games and working conditions for the city-youngsters in the early 1900’s.

The old city backyards were a place for kids to play, walk on stilts, ride their hobby horses and jump rope. You can try out those outdoor games and activities as well as try on the clothes of a working class kid in the 1930’s.

The Children’s Workers Museum

In The Children’s Workers Museum you can try working as a delivery boy or shop assistant, sort bottles at the brewery, or use a typewriter in the union office. Aside from dressing up as a backyard kid from the 1930’s you can also dress up in a sailor’s suit, dance at the dance school, play in a 1930’s flat, or visit the pawnbroker and see if you can get a few pennies for your old coat.

When you’re done with the games and rhymes please feel free to take a break in our 1950’s Coffee shop or eat your lunch box in the backyard.

We hope to see a lot of smiling faces ready for backyard games and fun activities!


The painters hunt! – New free activity at The Workers Museum 

Come along for the painters hunt in the old Assembly hall! Follow the tracks of the many different painters, who have left their brushstrokes and colours in the building. If you solve the tasks you will become as wise as a painter. The hunt is free, and for children aged 6-11. Inside the painters hunt-booklet you get beautiful drawings you can colour. Get your booklet in the museum.

Find the answers to the tasks in the painters hunt and some of the drawings from the booklet here.

The Children's Workers Museum >

Free admission for children

The Children's Workers Museum

Visit the fun Children's Workers Museum where you can play with everything.

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Figting for time >

100th anniversary of the 8-hour workday

Figting for time

100 years ago the Danish workers won the battle for an 8-hour workday.

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Clever Hands>

Special exhibition

Clever Hands

Remember the value of clever hands. See our special exhibition dealing with this value.

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