Who is Behind the UNESCO Project? Hjem // UNESCO World Heritage // Who is Behind the UNESCO Project? Menu In 2018, The Workers Museum was inscribed on the Danish UNESCO World Heritage tentative list. The remaining buildings are working on this. To be inscribed on the world heritage list, a property must be inscribed on their national tentative list. This transnational serial nomination project is coordinated by The Workers Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark. The Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces as State Party provides for the joint submission for a future transnational nomination. You can contact us here. These workers’ assembly halls are partners to the project: These four buildings are on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List for Argentina, Australia and Denmark, which is an important step towards the final submission of a nomination dossier to the the UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Other building teams are also contributing to the project with research and expert knowledge. These three buildings below play an important part in that. Project Organisation The organisation around a transnational serial nomination can be rather large. We have several groups concerned with different aspects of the nomination development. This makes for a strong foundation to build this nomination on. Different expertise help us mobilising a bigger network of heritage organisations, trade union networks and other stakeholders around the world to ensure we look for workers’ assembly halls everywhere, even where it is difficult to locate any. The project is supported by The City of Copenhagen Read More About the Project Home – UNESCO World Heritage The History of the UNESCO Project Criteria and Outstanding Universal Value How Can You Help or be Involved? Deadlines & Timeframe International Network of Workers’ Assembly Places Useful Links & Documents Contact the UNESCO Project